Beautiful X3 with delightful 3.0si six-in-line under the hood. That these youngtimers are immensely popular we saw with our previous examples. It is a beautiful mix between the 3 series and the X5. Great driving characteristics and enough space for the whole family. This example was delivered in Switzerland and comes directly from the 1st owner. The maintenance was done by one dealer. The car is in very good condition and technically in good order. The Silver Grey metallic colour scheme with black leather is very business like. In the option list we find: Navigation professional, M sport package and panoramic glass roof. In short, a wonderful youngtimer in excellent condition. Price includes 21 % VAT


TypeE83 X3 3.0si
Year built2006
Number of doors4
ColorSilver Grey metallic
Chassis numberWBAPC91010WD87566
EpisodeMOT/Warranty/Delivery service